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伊斯兰教指南 2024

第 27 天 - 4 月 5 日



Laylat al-Qadr, the “Night of Power,” celebrates the revelation of the Quran’s first verses to the Islamic prophet Mohammad. It is an exceptionally significant event—prayers and good deeds done on this night are considered to be of greater value than all the prayers and good deeds done in a thousand months.

This night is also known as the “Night of Destiny” when many believe their fate for the following year is determined. Therefore, it is especially important for Muslims to pray for forgiveness and blessings on this night, and many will pray throughout the night. Some even stay in the mosque for the whole last ten days of Ramadan so as not to miss this time.

There are different opinions about the date for Laylat al-Qadr, but in general, it is agreed that it is most likely to fall during the last ten nights of Ramadan. According to many Muslim scholars, the night between the 26th and 27th days of Ramadan is the most probable.


How to Pray on This Night:

在 Laylat al-Qadr 期间,穆斯林正在真正专注地寻求上帝。祈求上帝在异梦和异象中奇迹般地向他们显现。

许多穆斯林在今晚为他们的罪过寻求宽恕。祷告他们会得到耶稣的启示,耶稣是上帝的羔羊,除去世人罪孽的(约翰福音 1:29)。

Pray for this Night of Destiny to bring opportunities for followers of Jesus to share the gospel with their family and friends.




感谢您与我们一起祈祷 –


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