Kwa zaidi ya miongo mitatu mwongozo huu wa maombi ya siku 30 umewatia moyo na kuwawezesha wafuasi wa Yesu ulimwenguni kote kujifunza zaidi kuhusu majirani zao Waislamu na pia kukiombea chumba cha enzi cha mbinguni kwa ajili ya kumiminiwa upya kwa rehema na neema kutoka kwa Mwokozi wetu, Yesu Kristo. .
Miaka kadhaa iliyopita, mradi wa utafiti wa kimataifa ulifichua habari za kushangaza: 90+% ya watu waliosalia ulimwenguni ambao hawajafikiwa - Waislamu, Wahindu, na Wabudha - wanaishi au karibu, katika miji mikubwa 110. Watendaji walipoanza kurekebisha tena mwelekeo wao kuelekea miji mikuu hii, mitandao ya kimataifa ya maombi ilianza kuomba katika mwelekeo huo huo.
Matokeo ya juhudi ya pamoja ya utafiti bora, maombi ya bidii, na ushahidi wa dhabihu yamekuwa ya kimiujiza. Shuhuda, hadithi, na data zinaanza kumiminika katika kuthibitisha ukweli kwamba tuko pamoja vyema wakati umoja wetu unategemea kueneza upendo na msamaha wa Yesu.
Mwongozo huu wa maombi wa 2024 unawakilisha hatua inayofuata katika kupanua huruma ya kina kwa majirani zetu, na kuwaheshimu vya kutosha ili kushiriki ujumbe muhimu zaidi kuwahi kutolewa - tumaini na wokovu unaopatikana kupitia Yesu. Tunashukuru kwa wachangiaji wengi wa toleo hili, pamoja na wale wanaosali na kuhudumu katika miji hii mikuu.
Na ‘tulihubiri jina lake kati ya mataifa, matendo yake kati ya mataifa.
Ni kuhusu Injili,
William J. Dubois
Tunaposimama kuwaombea Waislamu katika mwezi huu, hapa kuna vipengele vinne vya msingi vya mwezi huu mtukufu.
Muslims believe this is the holiest month of the year. According to the Prophet Muhammad, “When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened, and the gates of hell are closed.” It was also during this month that the Quran, Islam’s sacred book, was revealed.
Ramadan is a time of celebration and spending time with family and loved ones. The end of Ramadan is marked with another holiday, Eid al-Fitr, also called the “Festival of Breaking of the Fast.” Muslims celebrate and share meals and presents during this time.
Kufunga mchana hudumu kwa siku zote 30 za Ramadhani. Huu ni wakati wa sala, hisani, na kutafakari juu ya Quran.
Every year all Muslims must take part in this occasion, with the exception of young children, elderly, pregnant or nursing women, sick people, or those who are traveling.
The purpose behind fasting is not just spiritual, but also that Muslims can be aware of those who are in need and help them. It is a time for reflection on their relationship with God.
Kuanzia alfajiri hadi machweo Waislamu wanajizuia kula aina yoyote ya chakula, kunywa maji yoyote, kutafuna sandarusi, kuvuta sigara, au kujihusisha na aina yoyote ya tendo la ndoa. Hata kuchukua dawa ni marufuku.
If Muslims do any of these things, then that day of fasting is not considered valid, and they must start over the next day. For some days that they didn’t fast due to unforeseen circumstances, they will need to make up that day after Ramadan or give a meal to someone in need for every day they didn’t fast.
Fasting doesn’t only apply to eating. During Ramadan, Muslims are also expected to abstain from anger, jealousy, complaining, and other negative thoughts and actions. Activities like listening to music or watching television must also be limited.
Siku ya kawaida ya Ramadhani kwa Waislamu wengi huwa na mambo yafuatayo:
Waislamu bado wanaenda kazini au shuleni licha ya kufunga. Nchi nyingi za Kiislamu hupunguza saa za kazi wakati wa mwezi mtukufu kama jambo la kuzingatia kwa wale wanaofunga.
At sunset a light meal (Iftar) is served to break the fast. Most Muslims go to the mosque for evening prayer and then recite another special Ramadan prayer.
Baadaye jioni watakula chakula kikubwa zaidi pamoja na familia na marafiki.
The Islamic religion is lived out according to five main pillars which are obligatory religious practices for all adult Muslims:
1. Shahada: reciting the Creed, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.” This is said at birth as the first words a baby hears, and Muslims aim for these to be the last words before their death. A non-Muslim can convert to Islam by saying the Shahada and meaning it sincerely
2. Salat: the ritual prayer performed five times each day. Each time during the day has a unique name: Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha.
3. Zakat: the obligatory and voluntary almsgiving to the poor. A formula for giving is defined in the Hanafi madhab. Zakat is 2.5% of wealth that has been in one’s possession for a lunar year. If that wealth amounts to less than a threshold figure, called “nisab,” then no Zakat is payable.
4. Saum: fasting especially during the “holy” month of Ramadan.
5. Hajj: an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim should perform at least once in a lifetime.
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110 CITIES - Mradi wa IPC a US 501(c)(3) No 85-3845307 | Maelezo Zaidi | Tovuti na: IPC MEDIA