110 Cities
Ziua 03
29 martie 2024
rugându-se pentru Damasc, Siria

Cum e acolo

Damascus, one of the oldest cities, is like stepping into a fairy tale with old markets, cool crafts, and delicious sweets.

Ce le place copiilor să facă

Lina and Omar love wandering through the ancient streets of Damascus, visiting historical landmarks, and tasting Syrian sweets.

Tema de azi:

gândurile lui Justin

Even in the storms of life, peace is like a gentle whisper reminding us that we are not alone. It's the quiet assurance that, amidst chaos, there is a hope that anchors our souls, steady and unshaken.

Rugăciunile noastre pentru Damasc, Siria

  • Ask for peace and for many churches to grow in Damascus and Homs.
  • Hope for the teams sharing Jesus to be smart, brave, and safe.
  • Pray for God's power to show in leaders of army, business, and government.
  • Roagă-te cu noi pentru Alawite people living in Damascus, Syria to hear about Jesus!

Watch and Pray with this Video

Să ne închinăm împreună!

10 zile de rugăciune pentru copii
pentru lumea musulmană

Versetul de azi...

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
(John 14:27)

Hai să o facem

Help bring some friends back together at school to foster understanding and harmony.
Roagă-te pentru Zero:
Pray for safety and strength for people who are working on Bibles in tough conditions, in Syria.
Roagă-te pentru 5:

Pray for a friend who doesnt know Jesus

Declararea darului lui Isus

Astăzi vreau să vă împărtășesc ce înseamnă pentru mine darul special al sângelui lui Isus.
Because of Jesus' special gift, it's like I've never done anything wrong.

Întrebați-L pe Dumnezeu pentru cine sau pentru ce vrea să vă rugați astăzi și rugați-vă așa cum vă conduce El!

Mulțumim că te-ai rugat cu noi -

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