110 Cities
Giorno 04
30 marzo 2024
Pregare per Islamabad, Pakistan

Com'è lì

Islamabad is a green, clean city with awesome hills for hiking, colorful birds in parks, and cricket, a super popular sport!

Cosa piace fare ai bambini

Ayesha and Ali enjoy hiking in the Margalla Hills, visiting the Faisal Mosque, and playing cricket in Islamabad's parks.

Tema di oggi:

I pensieri di Justin

In the quiet whispers of life, patience reveals God's gentle hand at work. As we patiently wait, we find peace in His perfect timing, understanding that each moment is a step in His design.

Le nostre preghiere per Islamabad, Pakistan

  • Ask God to help His message spread in this city's 18 languages.
  • Ask for a big wave of prayer to start and grow in Islamabad.
  • Pray for Jesus's followers to be strong with God's Spirit's help.
  • Pregate con noi per il Sindhi people living in Islamabad, Pakistan to hear about Jesus!

Guarda e prega con questo video

Adoriamo insieme!

I 10 giorni di preghiera dei bambini
per il mondo musulmano

Il verso di oggi...

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
(Romans 12:12)


Practise waiting your turn in games and conversations today, without showing frustration.
Pregate per Zero:
Pray that the Bible will soon be available in all of the languages spoken in Pakistan.
Pregate per 5:

Pregate per a amico chi non conosce Gesù

Dichiarare il dono di Gesù

Oggi voglio condividere cosa significa per me il dono speciale del sangue di Gesù.
Because of Jesus' special gift, I am special and set aside for God. My body is like a home for God's Spirit, made clean and special by Jesus' gift.

Chiedi a Dio per chi o cosa vuole che tu preghi oggi e prega mentre ti guida!

Grazie per aver pregato con noi –

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