110 Cities

Panduan Islam 2024

HARI 18 - 27 Maret
Medan, Indonesia

Medan is the capital and largest city of the Indonesian province of North Sumatra. The huge Maimun Palace and octagonal Great Mosque of Medan dominate the city center, combining Islamic and European styles.

The city’s location makes it the main hub of international trade in western Indonesia, with exports going to North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Quite a few international companies maintain offices in Medan.

The city has 72 registered universities, polytechnics, and colleges, and it is home to 2.4 million people.

Most of Medan’s inhabitants are Muslim, accounting for approximately 66% of the population. The substantial Christian demographic (about 25% of the total population) includes Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, and the Batak Christian Protestant Church. Buddhists make up about 9% of the population, and there are smaller Hindu, Confucian, and Sikh communities.

Kitab Suci

Penekanan Doa

  • Pray for unity among the various Christian groups in Medan. Pray that they will work together to share the love of Jesus with their Muslim neighbors.
  • Ask God to remove the spirit of delusion that leads to worship of the occult for the people adhering to folk Islam and Hinduism.
  • Pray for indigenous church leaders who are ministering to the migrants working in the factories and docks of Medan.
  • Pray for additional translations of scripture into the diverse languages spoken in Medan.
Terima kasih telah berdoa bersama kami –

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