DAY 04
13 May 2024
انضم إلى بيت الصلاة العالمي 24-7 غرفة الصلاة!
مزيد من المعلومات
انضم إلى العائلة العالمية عبر الإنترنت 24/7 غرفة الصلاة التي تستضيف صلاة العبادة المشبعة
حول العرش
على مدار الساعة و
حول العالم!
تفضل بزيارة الموقع
دليل الصلاة لحركة زرع الكنيسة الملهمة والصعبة!
البودكاست | مصادر الصلاة | الإحاطات اليومية
لمزيد من المعلومات والإيجازات والموارد ، راجع موقع Operation World الذي يجهز المؤمنين للاستجابة لدعوة الله لشعبه للصلاة من أجل كل أمة!
تعرف أكثر
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh.” Acts 2:17a (NKJV)

البصرة ، العراق

Basra is located in southern Iraq on the Arabian Peninsula. It is the country’s largest port.

Islamic mysticism was first introduced in Basra by al-Hasan al-Basri soon after the death of Mohammad. Also known as Sufism, it was an ascetic response to what was perceived as an increasing worldliness in Islam. Today the theological school of the Muʿtazilah is in Basra.

The Virgin Mary Chaldean Church is the largest Christian worship facility in Basra and was recently renovated. However, very few Jesus followers are in the city. It is estimated around 350 families adhere to one form of Christianity or another.

While the Christians of Iraq are considered one of the oldest continuous Christian communities in the world, the war and turmoil of the last 15 years have caused many of them to leave Basra and the country. They fear for their safety and don’t believe that the government is committed to protecting them.

طرق الصلاة:

  • Pray for the people of Basra that Christ might dwell in their hearts by faith and that they might know the love of Jesus.
  • Pray that the underground church leaders will be filled with God’s truth and wisdom.
  • صلوا من أجل قيامة قصد الله الإلهي لهذه المدينة.
  • Pray that a movement of prayer originates in Basra and spreads throughout the surrounding countryside.
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