110 Cities
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DAY 05
14 Mei 2024
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“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3 (NIV)

Bagdad, Irak

Baghdad, formerly named “City of Peace” and located on the Tigris River, is the second largest city in the Arab world after Cairo.

When Iraq was at the height of its stability and economic stature in the ‘70s, Baghdad was revered by Muslims as the cosmopolitan center of the Arab world. But after enduring seemingly constant war and conflict over the past 50 years, this emblem feels like a fading memory to its people.

As recently as 2003, it was estimated that as many as 800,000 Christians were living in Baghdad. Today, most of them have been forced to leave Iraq. That being said, a strong and growing underground house church movement exists within the city. Leaders of these small congregations are focusing on the many different people groups of Iraq living in the capital city.

Maniere om te bid:

  • Pray for multiplying house churches to launch gospel movements among the Iraqi Arabs, North Iraqi Arabs, and Northern Kurds who live in Baghdad.
  • Bid vir 'n magtige beweging van gebed om oor die huiskerke te vee.
  • Bid dat die historiese kerk gevul sal word met God se genade en vrymoedigheid terwyl hulle hul geloof met ander deel.
  • Bid dat die Koninkryk van God sal bevorder deur gebed en evangelisasie.
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